Many citizens live in fear of disastrous events, such as bioterrorism, that could cause harm to their families and themselves.  Considering the current situation that our country is facing, it is understandable why people can feel so unsafe.  Moreover, the use of biological warfare is a seemingly more viable technique for countries to explore given the everyday advances in technology.  On the other hand, it is not impossible to avoid the potentially life threatening effects of bioterrorism.  If the adequate preparation procedures are applied, many more lives could be spared in the event of a bioterrorist catastrophe.



 1) HAVE SUPPLIES: In the event of a bioterrorist attack, essential supplies may not be available to reach away from your home.  For this reason, it is important to have at least a 3 day supply (or more if possible) of necessary materials present and accessible.  These include, but are not limited to the following:


            -Water (based on a half gallon per day per person)

            -Food (preferably canned or dry foods)

            -Special materials for infants or seniors/disabled

            -Flashlights and batteries


            -First aid kit



            -Duck tape

            -Large plastic sheets (measured to fit doorways in the event of attack)


Note: Consider changing supplies about every six months.


2) HAVE A PLAN: Throughout the chaos of an unexpected bioterrorist attack, it might get difficult to figure out a way to keep your family safe.  With that in mind, it is great practice to create a plan that the entire family knows.  Moreover, simulating an attack and re-enacting your plan could be highly beneficial to your safety. 


-Know where you are going: In the event that your family were requested/ordered to evacuate your home, you need to know where to go.  Know the location of your nearest shelter and know their restrictions. 


-Know the local warnings sirens/symbols: These warning systems are put in place to give people the chance to get safe before disaster strikes.  Knowing each one and what they mean can give you a head start at safety.


-Create a meeting place for your family in the event of separation: Make sure each person in the family knows the address and phone numbers.


-Have emergency contact (preferably out-of-state): In case of separation, it is important for everyone in the family to know the number of a specific person outside of your state.


-Designate one room in your house to be shelter: This will be the room in which you will be sealing yourselves.  This room should have as little windows and doors as possible.


-Be aware of certain physical procedures that could save your life: This includes sheltering in place (home, car, school, work, etc.)


-Practice your plan: Be sure that the entire family knows the plan very well.  In the event of an unexpected emergency, it is vital to act as fast as possible.


For additional information to prepare yourself and your loved ones  in the unfortunate event of a bioterrorist attack visit:

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